What is IPC Pain Week?


Empowering the Future of Pain Management

The Interfaculty Pain Curriculum (IPC), known by students as IPC Pain Week, represents a cutting-edge initiative in pain education, aligning with Health Canada’s vision for a comprehensive approach to pain management. It addresses the critical need for skilled healthcare professionals equipped to manage the multifaceted nature of pain, affecting millions in Canada and globally.


Empowering Future Healthcare Leaders

The IPC Pain Week program collaborates with various medical and health science disciplines across the University of Toronto to provide a more comprehensive approach to pain management education. IPC’s curriculum is built around the following primary learning objectives.

Understanding Pain Icon

Understanding Pain


Grasp the unique and complex nature of pain as a primary or secondary condition, echoing Health Canada’s call for pain recognition as a public health priority.

Evidence-Based Clinical Judgement Icon

Clinical Judgment


Develop skills for sound, evidence-based pain assessment and management decisions, aligning with the emphasis on informed care from the Canadian Pain Task Force.

Interdisciplinary Approach Icon

Interdisciplinary Approach


Foster collaborative pain management strategies among various health disciplines, resonating with the interfaculty education ideals highlighted in recent pain education research.


What Does IPC Pain Week Look Like?

During our three-day event, health science students from a variety of disciplines come together to learn through our unique educational series that enhances their understanding of pain research, clinical practice, and pain management. Below is an overview of the various components that make up the Interfaculty Pain Curriculum (IPC).

01. Pain Week Foundations: Pre-Work

Before the program begins, students are asked to engage with several educational resources to prepare for the program. These resources include two learning modules, a podcast episode, a presentation on chronic pain, and the ‘Action Plan on Pain in Canada’.


Pain Mechanisms Module

Pain Mechanisms Module

A deep dive into understanding pain’s physiological and neurological aspects.

Watch module
Opioids Module

Opioid Module

Comprehensive coverage of opioid management, its uses, and challenges.

View Module


‘Rummaging Through The Weeds’

An insightful podcast exploring the intersection of cannabis and pain management.

An Action Plan on Pain in Canada PDF Download

Action Plan on Pain in Canada

A critical review of the national strategy for pain management, highlighting its implications on healthcare.

Download Action Plan

02. Core Pain Education and Professional Development

Throughout the three-day curriculum, students are provided with dedicated time slots to engage in a variety of educational sessions and lectures, each designed to enhance their knowledge and skills in pain management.

Keynote and Opening Sessions

Interactive online sessions featuring talks from pain specialists and individuals with lived pain experiences, fostering a comprehensive understanding of pain.

Live Online and Recorded Lectures

Explore various pain-related topics through live Zoom lectures and recordings from past events, including subjects like Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Opioids for Pain Management, and Management of Cancer Pain.

Keynotes and Online Lectures
Profession Specific Competencies

03. Profession-Specific Competencies

Students and professionals from each healthcare faculty receive specialized instruction, honing skills pertinent to their unique professional roles. This focused approach ensures that every discipline gains the competencies crucial for effective pain management within their specific field.

04. Interprofessional Work (Small Group Sessions)

Interactive Case Studies Facilitated by Experts

Step into the dynamic world of interprofessional collaboration with small group sessions of students from our eight participating faculties—these sessions center around real-world pain cases, offering a unique platform for hands-on experience.

Guided by seasoned professionals and patient partners, these sessions enhance practical skills and foster a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of pain management through teamwork and shared perspectives.

Small Group Sessions


IPC Pain Week Working Schedule 2024

Pre-Work Before the IPC Program

Online Module

Pain Mechanisms and Manifestations

View Module

Online Module

Opioids as a Component of Pain Management

View Module


An Action Plan for Pain in Canada

Download PDF


Cannabis for Pain Management

Monday, March 4

Tuesday, March 5 (Groups 1-20)

Tuesday, March 5 (Groups 21-40)

Wednesday, March 6


Transform your institution’s approach to pain management education.

Adopt the University of Toronto’s IPC Pain Week curriculum, crafted for educational institutions to provide an in-depth, interprofessional pain management education. Contact us today to learn how to bring this innovative program to your students.

Implement IPC Pain Week Now!


Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

The intellectual property of the IPC belongs to the University of Toronto’s Centre for the Study of Pain (UTCSP).

While we strongly suggest there are synergistic benefits to the curriculum as a whole, please contact us to discuss implementing components of the IPC Pain Week curriculum in your unique educational setting.

The intellectual property belongs to the UTCSP but it is our goal to advance pain education globally. Please contact us for more information.

We have run the IPC Pain Week program in hybrid, virtual and in-person formats.