Tanya Miladinovic PhD Candidate

Tanya completed her Honours B.A. in Psychology and Biology and her M.Sc. in Behavioural Neuroscience at Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research focused on the behavioural and biochemical properties of addictive drugs, with specific interest in the pharmacological effects of nicotine on the behavioural and biochemical response to acute THC. She has worked at Cedarlane Laboratories as an Antibody Specialist and at the Laboratory for Musculoskeletal Research at Mount Sinai Hospital, where she investigated treatment options for osteoporosis and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Tanya is currently completing a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences at McMaster University, where she is investigating the neural pathways that contribute to breast cancer-induced bone pain. In an effort to characterize novel mechanism-based therapeutics for breast cancer-induced bone pain, she is pharmacologically modulating neurotrophic activity and quantifying patterns of functional neuronal signalling within the spinal cord and brain regions implicated in the pain response.


McMaster University

Principal Faculty:

Health Sciences

Principal Department/Program:

Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine/Medical Sciences


Gurmit Singh

Key Publications:

Miladinovic T. (2016). Cancer-induced Neurogenesis. Oncodynamics: effects of cancer cells on the body (55-71). New York: Springer Miladinovic T, Nashed MG, Singh G. (2015). Overview of glutamatergic dysregulation in central pathologies. Biomolecules – Special Edition Invitation: Role and Regulation of Glutamate Metabolism, 5(4), 3112-3141.