Stefan Vislavski HBSc

Behavioural neuropharmacology trainee focusing on the role of cannabinoids in memory and cognition. My research aims are threefold; first, is to characterize cognitive endophenotypes in a rodent model of pre-psychosis and psychosis while exploring the contributions of exogenous stressors and cannabinoids in precipitating psychotic features; second, is to explore potential therapies which act by modulating cannabinoid receptor activity; and third, is to elucidate the role of endocannabinoid signalling on different cell-types in memory formation and recall. I completed my undergraduate training at the University of Toronto in Psychology where I had the wonderful opportunities to research under the supervision of Dr. Iva Zovkic and, more recently, Dr. Sheena Josselyn.


University of Toronto

Principal Faculty:


Principal Department/Program:

Pharmacology & Toxicology


Dr. Ruth Ross

Key Publications: