Priyanjali Mithal BSc, MSc (Candidate)

I am currently a UofT MSc Candidate studying pain management interventions during vaccination appointments in various populations around the GTA. I worked as a clinical research assistant for 1.5 years with my supervisor, Dr. Anna Taddio, managing a longitudinal RCT for Sickkids hospital, where we studied specific pain management interventions in the pediatric population. I find the premise of pain being a barrier against vaccinations fascinating, and was first introduced to this type of pain research at York University under the guidance of Dr. Rebecca Pillai Riddell. My goal is to pursue additional work in this relatively new field, and to help increase pain awareness in society, especially as it it relates to vaccination rates. I would like to contribute my findings to increase global vaccination rates, and encourage a preventative model of disease prevention that can be adopted by adults and children worldwide.


University of Toronto

Principal Faculty:

Faculty of Pharmacy

Principal Department/Program:

Pharmaceutical Sciences


Dr. Anna Taddio

Key Publications:

McDonald, K., Mithal, P., Rawana, J. (Mar 2015). Emotion regulation strategies and psychological strengths associated with depressive symptoms among adolescents. Paper presented at the 2015 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Mithal, P., McDonald, K., Rawana, J. (April 2014). Emotion regulation strategies and psychological strengths associated with depressive symptoms among adolescents. Paper presented at 44th Ontario Undergraduate Psychology Thesis Conference. Kingston, Ontario, Canada Lisi, D., Campbell, L., Riddell, R.P., Garfield, H., Greenberg, S., Mithal, P. (May 2014) A longitudinal descriptive examination of naturally occurring pain management techniques currently used in infant immunizations over the first year of life. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Pain Society, Quebec City, Canada