Lauren Cadel MSc

I completed my Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto in 2019, under the supervision of Dr. Sara Guilcher. My thesis focused on exploring the attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of community-dwelling adults with spinal cord injury/ dysfunction pertaining to prescribed and unprescribed medications, many of which were taken to manage pain. I will build on this research for my PhD, where I will co-develop, test, and evaluate a toolkit for medication self-management for persons with spinal cord injury/dysfunction. I am also a Research Associate at the Institute for Better Health at Trillium Health Partners. I have a passion for health services research and wants to continually explore ways to improve the delivery of health services and optimize patient experiences and outcomes.


University of Toronto

Principal Faculty:

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Principal Department/Program:

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Principal Hospital Appointment:



Sara Guilcher

Key Publications:

Guan Q, Calzavara A, Cadel L, Hogan ME, McCormack D, Patel T, Lofters AK, Hitzig SL, Guilcher SJT. Indicators of publicly funded prescription opioid use among persons with traumatic spinal cord injury in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2021:1-8. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2021.1969503. PMID: 34698613. Cadel L, Hitzig SL, Packer TL, Patel T, Lofters AK, Thompson A, Guilcher SJT. Spinal cord injury/dysfunction and medication management: a qualitative study exploring the experiences of community-dwelling adults in Ontario, Canada. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2020:1-10. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1756000. [Epub ahead of print]. Cadel L, Everall AC, Packer TL, Hitzig SL, Patel T, Lofters AK, Guilcher SJT. Exploring the perspectives on medication self-management among persons with spinal cord injury/dysfunction and providers. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2020;16(12):1775-84. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.01.014. Cadel L, DeLuca C, Hitzig SL, Packer TL, Lofters AK, Patel T, Guilcher SJT. Self-management of pain and depression in adults with spinal cord injury: A scoping review. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2020;43(3):280-97. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2018.1523776. Cadel L, Everall AC, Hitzig SL, Packer TL, Patel T, Lofters A, Guilcher SJT. Spinal cord injury and polypharmacy: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2020;42(26):3858-70. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1610085.