Laura Murphy MSc Candidate, PharmD, BScPhm

Laura Murphy is a Pharmacist and Pharmacy Clinical Site Leader at Toronto Rehab, UHN. Her clinical work is with patients who have chronic pain in the outpatient physiatry clinics, within an interprofessional team, with a focus on opioid management. Laura is on the UTCSP-IPC Committee and Evaluation subcommittee. She lectures at the Leslie Dan Faculaty of Pharmacy. Additionally, Laura is on the ECHO Ontario Pain team, and a mentor for the Pharmacist Mentoring in Addiction and Pain. She is the CSHP representative on the National Faculty for the Canadian Opioid Guideline for Chronic Noncancer pain. Laura is in the process of completing a part-time Masters Program in the area of opioids in patients with chronic pain.


University of Toronto

Principal Faculty:

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Principal Department/Program:

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Principal Hospital Appointment:

Pharmacy Clinical Site Leader, Toronto Rehab


Beth Sproule

Key Publications:

1. Murphy L, Furlan AD. (2015). A 46-year-old factory worker with acute low-back pain.CMAJ. 2. Murphy L, Ng K, Su VCH, Woodworth-Giroux S*, Levy T, Sproule BA, Furlan AD. (2015). Approach to the pharmacological management of chronic pain in patients with an alcohol use disorder.Journal of Pain Research. 8: 851-857. 3. Uphadhyay C*, Cameron K, Murphy L, Battistella M. (2014). Measuring pain in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a review of pain assessment tools.Clinical Kidney Journal. 7(4): 367-372. 4. De Castro C*, Murphy L, Battistella M. (2013). Pain assessment and management in hemodialysis patients.CAANT J. 23(3): 39-72. 5. Murphy L, Isaac P, Kalvik A, Ng K, Su V, Sproule B. (2013). SAFER-OPIOIDS: A structured approach to identifying key information and drug therapy problems in chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) patients using opioid therapy.CPJ. 146(1): 26-29.