Beibei You Associate Professor/Ph.D

I got my Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Psychology at Southwest University in Chongqing, China. Now I am working as an associate professor and master’s supervisor at the School of Nursing at Guizhou Medical University in China. I have published 7 SCI/SSCI papers in the past three years. Besides, I also led three local research projects and participated in four national or Ministry of Education projects. My research is mainly on the neural correlates of pain resilience. I collected self-reported, behavioral, and fMRI data among adults with chronic pain to explore the brain foundation of pain resilience. During the analysis procedure, The toolkits I can use proficiently include Matlab, SPM, DPABI, ProNTo, libsvm, Circos, Marsbar, BrainNet Viewer, Xjview, etc. I’d like to do more research on chronic pain which would be a benefit for chronic pain patients.


Guizhou Medical University

Principal Faculty:


Principal Department/Program:

School of nursing

Principal Hospital Appointment:

Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University

Key Publications:

1 Beibei You; Hongwei Wen; Todd Jackson ; Identifying resting state differences salient for resilience to chronic pain based on machine learning multivariate pattern analysis, Psychophysiology, 2021, 58(12) 2 Beibei You; Todd Jackson ; Gray Matter Volume Differences Between More Versus Less Resili ent Adults with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Voxel-based Morphology Study, Neuroscience, 2021,457: 155-164 3 Beibei You; Todd Jackson ; Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Pain Resilience.Scale Within Chinese Adult Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Samples, Journal of Personality Assessment, 2021, 103(5): 685-694 4 Shuanghong Chen; Beibei You; Todd Jackson ; Facets of Mindfulness as Predictors of Emotional Distress Among Chinese Adults with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain, Mindfulness, 2021, 12(3): 775-783 5 Shuyang Liu, BeiBei You, Xin Zhang, Amy Shaw, Hong Chen, and Todd Jackson, Individual Differences in Pain Catastrophizing and Regional Gray Matter Volume Among Community-dwelling Adults With Chronic Pain?A Voxel-based Morphology Study.Clin J Pain? 2023?39:209–216