ComSciConCAN is Canada’s first national science communication workshop for graduate students. This unique professional development program aims to help the next generation of leaders in STEM fields develop the skills needed to communicate their research and ideas to their peers, experts in other fields, policymakers, and the general public.

ComSciConCAN looks to bring the longstanding and successful ComSciCon framework from the United States to Canada. Since its establishment in 2013 by graduate students at Harvard University and MIT, the training opportunities offered by ComSciCon have benefited over 500 graduate students across the United States and Canada. What was once a single annual national meeting has expanded to numerous local ComSciCon workshops across the United States. In collaboration with other alumni and invited experts, former ComSciCon attendees have published over 80 articles written at these workshops, initiated new science communication endeavors, and built lasting professional networks.

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